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Case Study

Interim quality management

Overhaul of the Quality systems for an entity in the metallurgy sector

Context & Objectives

Our client is a company that produces metal parts for many sectors, mainly in aeronautics

Our client is faced with a double problem:

  • Historical quality control issues
  • A decrease in orders for several months resulting from the pandemic that began in March 2020

Our client wanted to be accompanied by an Interim Quality Director to help them revisit their quality systems and accelerate the implementation of their quality plan

Procedural approach

  • Development of a 360-degree diagnosis of the Quality systems (Process, IT systems, Data Management, Team, Organisation & responsibilities)
  • Segmentation of the project into files relating to the past and files dealing with parts in the process of being manufactured or expected to be manufactured
  • ‘Joint Improvement Programme’ with some key customers


  • Files relating to the closed and archived past. Data Management prepared in anticipation of any subsequent audits
  • Confidence in a positive dynamic with key customers
  • New systems organised to cope with the new level of activity in the aeronautics sector



Duration of the mission

12 months

Type of project

Interim quality management